Ind. “De Berk”
Bellweg 35
6101 XA Echt
On the behalf of our company, with our facilities which can meet all drivers’ needs for suitable prices, we can prepare all the necessary documentation for import and/or export. We are ready to assist you in TIR Report writing, the preparation of export documents, and the preparation of T1/T2 documents! Our team which will help you with these services is fully fluent in Dutch, English, German, Turkish, and French.
Thanks to our co-operation network with other companies in different countries, we are also ready to assist you in Turkey, Bulgaria, Serbia, Romania, Austria, and Hungary.
Om de rentabiliteitsontwikkeling van het Nederlandse beroepsgoederenvervoer over de weg te kunnen volgen, laat de NIWO het onderzoeksbureau Panteia/NEA twee keer per jaar de kosten en opbrengsten bij een kleine groep wegtransportondernemingen analyseren. Read more