Ind. “De Berk”
Bellweg 35
6101 XA Echt
Hand in hand for a cleaner world! Activities carried out for an environmentally-friendly world are extremely important in the transport sector. In order to keep up with technologies which keep CO2 emissions to a minimum, the emission class of vehicles is at least a Euro 5 or Euro 6. We are following the ever-progressing technology for environmentally-friendly transportation.
These are the considerations we pay attention to for a clean environment:
When buying a new truck or trailer, we carefully examine its aero-dynamic qualities. A more aero-dynamic vehicle means a lower consumption of fuel and therefore fewer CO2 emissions.
We also carefully examine the possibilities of alternative fuel consumption which is less harmful to the environment.
Another important consideration is the use of quality tyres and of the right dimensions. We periodically check tyre pressure. We are pleased to tell you that the companies we work with have the old, used tyres collected by a recycling service so that they might be used again.
Om de rentabiliteitsontwikkeling van het Nederlandse beroepsgoederenvervoer over de weg te kunnen volgen, laat de NIWO het onderzoeksbureau Panteia/NEA twee keer per jaar de kosten en opbrengsten bij een kleine groep wegtransportondernemingen analyseren. Read more