Ind. “De Berk”
Bellweg 35
6101 XA Echt
Young and totally motivated, Ulusoy Int. Transport was established in the Dutch city of Roermond in 2006 and moved to Echt-Susteren in order to provide service under the same roof as Tosun Transport BV, with whom we had entered into a working partnership. Our team, which has all the equipment needed for National and International freight, has become a trusted partner in transport, logistics and storage services with around 70 workers and 50 trucks to its name. Outside of our company headquarters, which is set in an area of around 80,000 m2, we also serve all your freight transport needs in Bulgaria, Poland, and Turkey. Thanks to this continuing co-operation, we are also continuing to make progress with ever stronger and self-confident steps in this challenging sector.
The administration of the services which we have provided is carried out in the city of Echt, which is the site of our headquarters. For a transport company, the place where it is situated has a strategic importance. For us, perfect quality and service at a high level is important. Thanks to the direct dialogue we have established with our clients, we are increasing the quality of our service with each passing day. Through our facilities, which are prepared for all situations, and our personal participation, customer satisfaction has been of great importance for many years.
The passion and love for our work is an important factor in our preserving our trusted name over the years. Our aim is to be flexible in our ability to provide maximum service and meet every demand. Your satisfaction is our business!
Our experience goes back to before the time our company was established, and our aim on the road we set out on with the experience that came from our grandfathers is to transfer our profession to future generations in the most robust fashion. The people involved in the administration of our company have been active in this sector for over 35 years. As Robert Bosch said: “I would rather lose money than trust”. We set out with this sensibility and logic and we shall continue with this logic.
Om de rentabiliteitsontwikkeling van het Nederlandse beroepsgoederenvervoer over de weg te kunnen volgen, laat de NIWO het onderzoeksbureau Panteia/NEA twee keer per jaar de kosten en opbrengsten bij een kleine groep wegtransportondernemingen analyseren. Read more