Ind. “De Berk”
Bellweg 35
6101 XA Echt
At our headquarters is our modern and secure storage space, 20 metres high set in a closed and monitored area of 20,000m2. Our storage space, which is ideal for storage and/or goods transfer, is suitable for every kind of loading or emptying method. Our specialist team is ready to serve you in the matter of loading/emptying from the side, from the back, or from above.
We also have facilities in our storage space for your special loads with our special heating and cooling system. Just as we can carry out the transport of your whole or partial loads, we can do your storage, add more than one of your loads to another, and carry out their preparation and packaging, which is known as value-added.
Our staff members, specialists in freight from one box to a fully-loaded TIR, are also great at Express transportation.
Om de rentabiliteitsontwikkeling van het Nederlandse beroepsgoederenvervoer over de weg te kunnen volgen, laat de NIWO het onderzoeksbureau Panteia/NEA twee keer per jaar de kosten en opbrengsten bij een kleine groep wegtransportondernemingen analyseren. Read more