Ind. “De Berk”
Bellweg 35
6101 XA Echt
Our company recognises no bounds in the services it offers. With modern trucks and all the other equipment necessary for transportation, it provides service 24/7 every day of the year to Asian (Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Azerbaijan, and Georgia, and others) and all the European countries (including the Scandinavian countries, the UK, and Ireland). The trucks that go under our name include 35 (frigo) trailers for temperature-controlled transportation, 50 closed-box trailers for textile (with hangers)/ ADR transportation, and 40 trailers which are our own special design. Alongside our own capacity, we work together with 15-20 of our colleagues who work on a freelance basis. We are ready to be a specialist and trusted partner in every kind of transportation and storage business. We are proud to say that you are at the right address. The satisfaction of our customers is our satisfaction. For this reason, you are right at the centre of our business.
Om de rentabiliteitsontwikkeling van het Nederlandse beroepsgoederenvervoer over de weg te kunnen volgen, laat de NIWO het onderzoeksbureau Panteia/NEA twee keer per jaar de kosten en opbrengsten bij een kleine groep wegtransportondernemingen analyseren. Read more